What is Terminalia Arjuna?

Terminalia Arjuna
Terminalia Arjuna

Terminalia Arjuna is one of the most popular herbs now. It is commonly known as, Arjuna. It is a tree of the genus Terminalia and belongs to the family of Camberetaceae. Arjuna bark is used for medicinally purpose in Ayurveda. It is a large and deciduous tree. It is found on river banks or near dry river beds in West Bengal and South and Central India.
In Ayurveda Terminalia Arjuna used as:-

  • Balance the three humors: Kapha, Pitta, and Vata
  • Asthma
  • Bile duct Disorders
  • Heart Remedy
  • Scorpion Sting
  • Poisoning
  • Blood vessels (Cardiovascular Disease)

The bark of Terminalia Arjuna has been used 3000 years, essentially as a heart remedy.
The active component in Terminalia Arjuna:-

  • Tannins
  • Triterpenoid Saponin
  • A Cardenolide
  • Arjunetoside
  • Arjunolic Acid
  • Flavonoids
  • Phytosterols, Calcium, Magnesium, Copper, and Zinc

Benefits of Terminalia Arjuna

1) Maintain heart health

Terminalia Arjuna has been used for centuries for hearth health remedy. The heart is so valuable for us because it is a powerhouse of the body. The properties of Terminalia Arjuna herb reduces the effect of stress and nervousness on the heart. It has powerful antioxidant which strengthens heart muscles.

2) Normal blood pressure

High blood pressure is a serious condition that may lead to heart failure, stroke, kidney failure, and other problems. Terminalia Arjuna herb is the best home remedy for normalizing the blood pressure level. The Coenzyme Q10 substance has present in it has been utilized for high blood pressure. Our heart needs this substance because of the nature of this organ function.

3) Breast cancer

Terminalia Arjuna is the best for reducing the chance of breast cancer. It contains a component called casuarina, which prevents from the growth of breast cancer cells. Breast cancer can occur to both man and women. The antioxidant properties make it more effective against this. WHo have breast cancer complaints, they can consume it.

4) Chest pain

It is very beneficial for treating chest pain. It helps to reduce the pain in the chest during the heart attack. If you are medicated to heart attack, you can also take Terminalia Arjuna after taking heart medicine.

5) Control Cholesterol

Consuming Terminalia Arjuna herb in your daily routine may help to control cholesterol level. Cholesterol is the waxy substance found in your blood and in your cells. Our liver makes a most of the cholesterol in our body. Our body requires some amount of cholesterol but if it produces more than it needs it will increase the risk of heart disease and stroke. It will maintain a healthy cholesterol level.

6) Protect from infection

It has very powerful antibacterial properties, which protect from infection. It may help to heal the wound more quickly and fight against fungal infection and many more.

7) Strengthen bones

After one age bones become weaker, much more happen when we crossed 35 years of aged. Terminalia Arjuna can help you to retain calcium to keeps it strong and healthy.
In addition, it also treats low bone density problem. If anybody is facing that, can be consumed Terminalia Arjuna in daily routine.

Side effects of Terminalia Arjuna

Excessive use may always lead to harmful side effects.
Terminalia Arjuna contains an element that determine the amount of blood sugar. If you are suffering from diabetes, keep in mind that you should not the excess amount.

  • Excessive use may damage the liver.
  • Fatigue
  • Thyroid problem
  • Constipation and gastric problem
  • Special precaution and safety
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • Pregnant women and during breastfeeding don't use it, because there is no evidence that it is safe to use or not.
  • Children should avoid there is no proven result to recommended doses.
  • Surgery

The dosage of Terminalia Arjuna

1. A standard dose to be 500mg in any form you can take
2. Take 3 times a day every 8 hours for a person who suffered a heart problem.

Note: Consult a doctor before consuming Ayurvedic medicine. If you feel any kind of problem after using it, stop using it directly.