What is Triphala?


Triphala as the name suggested it is the combination of three herbs:-
Triphala has many effective health benefits. These three things are beneficial for our body. When they combined together they became even more powerful for our health. It is one of the most popular formulae in Ayurveda. It is used for centuries in Ayurveda for all types of health issue from heart to reproductive system.
Amalaki - It has a cooling effect that manages Pitta. It promotes the natural function of the liver and the immune system.
Bibhitaki - It is better for Kapha, it supports the respiratory system.
Haritaki - It has a heating nature. It helps to flush out harmful toxins from our body.

Let's know the amazing benefits of Triphala

1) Improve digestive system

It is helpful in digestion, it also important in the cleaning of the intestines. Healthy digestion may eliminate many diseases. Amlaki(amla) which is one of the combinations it will help to flush out toxins. By this, it will help to relieve from constipation and many problems related to digestion.

2) Weight loss

Triphala helps to aid in weight loss. Good digestion will eliminate the chances of excess weight gain by the body. It supports the absorption of nutrients and balanced the body. In fact, it works efficiently on fat metabolism. Increase the burning of fat by supporting metabolism in the body. So it reduces body weight.

3) Increase immunity power

If you have weakness in your body then you have rejuvenated your body. It Consuming Triphala protect against bacterias and virus. Immune-stimulating effect of Triphala helps AIDS/HIV positive patient. It improves blood circulation and nourishing your body. In fact, it gives nutrients and minerals which is necessary and increases immunity power.

4) Healthy eyes

Triphala is very beneficial for your eyes. It maintains the health of your eyes and also helps to get rid of eye problems like eye irritation, redness, dry eyes. It fact strengthen eye muscles and fight dark circles.

5) Effective for skin

The antioxidant component of Triphala makes it very popular as they are very effective for skin. It removes impurities from the skin. Due to Vitamin C found in it, helpful in removing wrinkles on the skin. It also promotes collagen formation for firmer skin tone. By the time your skin tends to lose youthfulness and is very effective for maintaining your youthfulness. It has antibacterial properties, cleansing your skin toxins and bacteria.

6) Relieve in high blood pressure

The best way to control your high blood pressure, you have naturally involved Triphala in your daily routine. By relieving from high blood pressure it protect from many heart disease. Inflammation properties may lead to less pressure against blood vessels walls.

Other uses are in short

1. Controls the harmful effect of Diabetes.
2. Control hair greying
3. Promote hair growth
4. Increase hemoglobin
5. Purifies blood
6. Nourish your nervous system
7. Relief Cough

Side effects of Triphala 

Triphala is commonly considered as safe but herbal doesn't mean there is no any harm. It may cause some people and excessive dosage may lead to some problems.
1. Diarrhea
2. Abdominal pain
3. Dehydration
4. Unwanted weight loss
5. Allergic to some people
6. Harm colon muscles
7. Disturbed sleep
Remind: Take only the recommended dose only. Not in an excess amount.

Dosage of Triphala 

According to age dosage may vary
Take 5ml of juice twice a day with one glass of water
One dose after breakfast another one before going to bed

Precaution and safety

Pregnant women and during breastfeeding should not consume Triphala because there is no any study that it is safe or not.
Don't give to children under 6 month.

Note: Consult a doctor before consuming Ayurvedic medicine. If you feel any kind of problem after using it, stop using it directly.