What is Amla?


Amla is also known as Indian Gooseberry. Phyllanthus Emblica is the scientific name of amla. Amla is a tree that is popular for its nutrients rich properties. In Sanskrit, it called 'Amlaki' meaning "nectar of life". It is a natural source of Vitamin C and Vitamin A. Amla is so resourceful, now it becomes popular among the health conscious people. It improves both physical and mental health.

"Amla is immortal in the earth"

In Ayurveda Amla Described As

  • Cooling
  • Astringent
  • Digestive
  • Diuretic properties
  • Laxative
  • Anti-pyretic
  • Anti-inflammatory

Nutrition facts of amla

  • The high amount of Vitamin C and Vitamin E
  • It contains fiber and low in calories
  • Great source of Vitamin A, B, and K
  • It has antioxidant properties
  • Amla holds more than 80% water
  • It also has a high level of folic acid, minerals, potassium, phosphorous, iron, carotene, and magnesium.

Health benefits of Amla

1) Strengthen the immune system

Amla or Indian Gooseberry is naturally strengthened immune power. In Ayurveda, Amla juice is regularly used to increase the WBC(White Blood Cell). The great number of WBC count means the stronger immune system. WBC responsible to fight against virus, bacteria, and germs. By the rich source of Vitamin C, it boosts your immunity. Amla has antibacterial and astringent properties which strengthen the immune system.

2) Improve eyesight

Amla or Indian Gooseberry improve eyesight and make sure to stay away from eyesight problems like watery eyes, infection etc. If Amla is included as a part of the healthy diet it considerably great for our eyesight.
In addition, it makes your eyes muscles stronger and healthier.

3) Helps in Digestion

Amla is really a powerhouse of nutrients. It is high in fiber. Consuming Amla juice by diluting with water with an empty stomach will clear up the system. It helps in digestion and overcomes the chances of constipation.
Amla raises the level of the secretion of gastric and digestive juices, so that food is digested efficiently.

4) Healthy Heart Health

many people suffer from heart disease. Amla is known to reduce cholesterol level. It minimizes the risk of heart disease. It reduces the chances of atherosclerosis or plaque buildup in the vessels and arteries. This can reduce the chances of heart attack. The iron content in it raises the creation of new red blood cells.

5) Blood Purification

Amla is the best natural way for blood purifier. To drink Amla juice daily basis will purify the blood. The antibacterial property of Amla fruit purifies the blood by flushing out harmful toxins from the body.
In addition, it also raises hemoglobin.

6) Improve Liver function

Amla is the best home remedy to improve your liver function. The liver is responsible to detoxify toxins from your body. It also used to treat liver cirrhosis, rehabilitation of alcoholics with serve liver damage.
An animal study in 2013 found that treating diabetic rats with Amla increased antioxidant levels in the liver and even cancer in some animal study.

7) Anti-Cancer properties

So many studies show that Amla has anti-cancer properties. It restrains the growth of the cancer cell. A study conducted at Rajasthan will demonstrate in 2005 with mice give the dose of Amla decrease the skin cancer tumor.
It also has high in phytochemical and antioxidant. These compound will be neutralized harmful free radicals and may be linked to a decreased risk of cancer.

8) Increase Diuretic Activity

The studies have shown that consuming Amla on daily basis will increase diuretic activity. Amla holds an excess amount of water content, that's why it helps to increase diuretic activity. It flushes out harmful toxins from our body.
Kidney has the main role of diuretic activity, it's essential to keep your Kidney healthy and preventing Urinary Infection.

9)Burns Fat

Many people consume Amla to burn our body fat. Amla is so popular among people who want to lose fat. Consuming Amla juice will help to burn fats in our body. It detoxifies the body quickly and boosts digestion. It acts as a natural fat burner.

10) Control Diabetes

Amla is low in calories and a great source of Vitamin C. Studies shows that the antioxidant property of Amla is useful for controlling diabetes.

11) Beneficial for Hair

Amla is enriched with Vitamin C which generates collagen protein. Regular massage with Amla oil and lemon mixture to strengthen your hair growth, prevent from dandruff and prevent from dryness of scalp. It also prevents hair greying and acts as a natural hair conditioner.

12) Good for your skin

The antioxidant and Vitamin C in Amla brighten the complexion of your skin. It makes your skin natural glow. The Vitamin E property protects your skin from itchiness and dryness. It keeps your skin healthy and maintains youthful. Drinking Amla juice with honey can give you radical free skin.

13) Beneficial for Bone

Amla is the natural way to provide calcium content to our bones, which is very beneficial. With nature pf time our bone becomes weak. Amla juice is the excellent way to keep your bone stronger and healthier.
In addition, its inflammatory properties to relive in the pain of arthritis patient and swelling of bone.

14) Good for Brain

Amla is the good source to keep your brain work optimally. It enhances your memory power and gives attentiveness to our brain. It also relaxes our brain.

Dosage of Amla

The key point to be remembered while consuming Amla

1) You can consume Amla fresh fruit directly.
2) But not more than 2 or 3.
3) If you are not comfortable with eating directly you can drink Amla extract Juice.
4) Anyone can drink Amla Juice with water
5) Ideally, 5 to 10 ml is sufficient with a glass of water.
6) In powder form, it will not exceed than 3 gm.
7) Consuming Amla in the early morning with an empty stomach will more effective.
8) You can also take as before sleeping.

Side Effects of Amla

Amla is the natural way to boost up your energy and has antioxidant properties. But one coin has two faces. There are some side effects of using Amla. Overconsumption may lead to some harmful effects.
1) Amla is a great source of Vitamin C which is highly acidic in nature. This may lead to provoking acidity and also leads to hyperacidity if you are suffering from this situation avoid this.

2) Some people are allergic to Amla, you may be the experience health issue like:-

  • Diarrhea
  • Abdominal Pain
  • Stomach Cramps
  • Itching
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting

3) Overconsumption of Amla may lead to constipation because it is high in fiber. It might harden the stool.

4) Not compatible with the anti-diabetic medication. Taking Amla in raw form is a good antidote for diabetes. But Amla is known to lower sugar level in the blood.

5) Avoid Amla if you're suffering from hypotension because Amla is known to control the likely to lower the blood pressure level.

6) It dries up your scalp if you are using too much Amla on your hair.

Who Should Avoid Amla?

1) During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding.
2) Diabetic Patient
3) Surgery
4) Liver Disease
5) Bleeding Disorders

NOTE: You should consult your doctor for health problems. It's always useful to have the advice of an expert.
The purpose of this article is to give information and it does not describe a professional health advice.