What is Jamun(Blackberry) Cider Vinegar?

Jamun Cider Vinegar is an Indian Blackberry Vinegar. This black fruit is looking very catchy and sweet in taste. The taste of this fruit is memorable. Jamun is especially available in monsoon season. It also  known as back plum. Jamun Vinegar used for medicinal purposes for centuries.
Jamun(Blackberry) Cider Vinegar

Jamun Cider Vinegar is primarily Jamun pulp juice, it can be consumed directly without mix with water. It comes with wonderful benefits. According to Ayurveda, it primarily acts on the balance between three doshas that is Vata, Pita, Kapha which are responsible for the proper functioning of the body. 


1. Kidney Related Problems

Jamun Vinegar has plenty of good for treating kidney related problems. It helps to eliminate the kidney stones by flushing out from the body. It gives aid in the pain caused due to stones in the kidney.

2. Managing Diabetes

It is used to manage the sugar level by converting the starch and sugar into energy. It has antidiabetic properties.
Managing Diabetes

3. Treat Urinary Tract Infection

Consuming Jamun Vinegar will help to flush out harmful toxins from our body. It can relief from UTI(Urinary Tract Infection). It provides protection to fight the bacteria and stop the formation of bacteria. Other Uses
  • Nausea and Vomiting
  • Abdominal Pain Relief
  • Excess Urine
  • Muscle Pain
  • Pain throughout Urine

4. Good for your Skin

Jamun Vinegar is a rich source of Iron which purifies your blood. The Vitamin C, iron, nutrients help to fair your skin. In addition, keep your skin gleaming, beautiful, pimples free, prevent acne dark spots and wrinkles.

5. Good for your Eye Sight

Jamun Vinegar is a rich source of Vitamin C, which is very good for our eye sight.

6. Good for Digestion

The Vitamins, minerals contains Jamun helps to digest the food. It has antibacterial properties that help to kill harmful bacteria. It assures the efficient functioning of the digestive system. It also treats digestive disorders like
  • Diarrhea
  • Dysentery
  • Vomiting
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome

7. Boost your Stamina

Jamun Vinegar is the best natural way to boost your stamina. Good stamina allows you to perform your daily activities at a higher level. Due to the insufficiency of nutrients in the body, we do not perform at our 100% level. It provides essential nutrients, minerals, and vitamins to the body. It also helps
  • Reduces stress level
  • Treat Anemia
  • Reduce Weakness
  • Increase memory power

8. Increase Hemoglobin

The presence of iron, Vitamin C helps to increase the hemoglobin level. People who are suffering from anemia and jaundice, it's very beneficial for them, as they lack iron in the body. Its very effective for women also. In addition, it keeps skin disease away.
Increase Hemoglobin

9. Improve Appetite

Jamun Vinegar improves the appetite by increasing the production of gastric juice and helps in digestion.

10. Healthy Gums

Jamun Vinegar is good for your gums, teeth, and throat. It contains lots of minerals like Potassium, Calcium, and Iron from others.

11. Heart Health

Potassium and Triterpenoids presence in Jamun ensure that bad cholesterol production is inhibited and thus keeps the heart healthy.


Jamun Vinegar can be taken 10-15 ml in a day, it can be consumed directly without mixing with water.


Herbal doesn't mean there are no side effects, its a confusion around the people. Taking anything in excess is always lead to harm.
  • Overdose may lead to vomiting.
  • Excess use can cause like a headache, a sore throat.
  • Excess use damage to lungs
  • Heavy doses lead to body ache and fever.


Jamun is a wonderful fruit with many benefits. It's better to consume natural remedies to stay healthy and away from chemicals found in synthetic drugs. Jamun is used for medical purposes for centuries. The best use of Jamun is for diabetes and digestive disorders. It better to cure before its too late. Jamun leaves is used to make dental powder also.

NOTE: You should consult your doctor for health problems. It's always useful to have the advice of an expert.
The purpose of this article is to give information and it does not describe a professional health advice.